Watch Dogs Legion’s first major post-launch content update is now available
Title update 4.0 includes a new playable hero, fresh story and co-op missions

Watch Dogs Legion’s first major post-launch content update has arrived, a little over six months after the game released.
Weighing in at 19GB-37GB depending on the platform, the delayed title update 4.0 gives all players access to two new characters (DJ and first responder), three new co-op missions (Meltdown, Repossession and Dysfunction), five new assignments and two co-op gadgets (Guardian and Point Defense drones).
For season pass holders, the patch introduces new playable hero character Mina Sidhu, a transhuman who has the power of mind control, and a story mission called Swipe Right.
“In this new single-player mission, DedSec discovers that someone in London is conspiring with an Egyptian minister to sell off the country’s antiquities, with the money going to fund violent insurgents,” Ubisoft said in the official patch notes, which are republished in full below.
Title title’s first major post-launch content update was most likely originally scheduled for release significantly earlier this year, but pushed back when Ubisoft delayed the launch of game’s multiplayer component from December 2020 to March 2021 so that it could focus on fixing issues with the single player game.
Season pass holders will also get access to a future story expansion called Bloodline, which includes Aiden Pearce from the original Watch Dogs and Wrench from Watch Dogs 2, among other upcoming content.

Watch Dogs Legion title update 4.0
Single-player campaign and Online:
- 2 new Operatives:
- Abilities:
- Killer Beat: Short Cooldowns and More Damage
- Feedback Loop: Stun Nearby Enemies
First Responder
- Abilities:
- AR Medical Shield: Active diagnostic limits damage
- Hydraulic Rescue Tool: Heavy Melee Weapon
- Operative Customization
- This will allow you to customize your Operatives in Online and the Single-Player campaign, including changing their hair and tattoos.
- 5 new Operative abilities:
- Pickpocket: Operatives can earn currency on each takedown
- Second Wind: Operatives quickly regain health when defeating enemies
- Wanted: Albion or Clan Kelley enemies will attack upon detection anywhere in London
- Hoarder: Operatives can loot and carry more ammo
- Stuntman: Operatives take less damage from falls, explosions, and collisions with vehicles
Online mode:
- Private co-op sessions have been added to the game. These sessions will not automatically fill with players outside of your party.
- New Gadgets:
- Mounted Shield
- Guardian Drone
- The Tech menu has been updated to include the new gadgets.
- 5 new solo Assignments
- New Co-Op missions:
- Meltdown – Clan Kelley has killed four Tidis employees at Southwark Incinerator. Bagley believes Clan Kelley has bought an experimental plasma weapon, which has a half-life so short it’s only detectable in a body for a short time after death.
- Repossession – Albion has a cache of data drives belonging to the original DedSec, and they plan to use the drives to pinpoint the location of active DedSec Operatives.
- Dysfunction – A pair of mysterious Clan Kelley hackers, known only as the Cousins, have laid London’s court systems low in a DDoS attack, demanding as ransom the dismissal of all cases against Kelley family members.
- Hotspot UI update
- Added a timer to the Hotspots tooltip on the map.
- Low mobility Operatives’ influence cost has been reduced in comparison to characters with the same skillset but without the trait.
- Player waypoints and fast travel
- Players will now be able to set waypoints on other players.
- Players will now be able to fast travel to city events.
- The Profiler UI will now include the influence cost of potential recruits.
- Changes to Daily/Weekly challenges, XP and Influence
Daily Challenges:
- Added 15 new daily challenges to the rotation.
- Daily total XP increased from 240 to 350.
- Increased challenges per day from 3 to 5
- Reduced XP per challenge from 80 to 70.
- One additional challenge per day will reward 3 Influence.
Weekly Challenges:
- Weekly total XP increased from 900 to 1250.
- Increased challenges per week from 3 to 5.
- Reduced XP per challenge from 300 to 250.
- Reduced XP from completion from 30 to 22.
Co-op Missions
- Reduced XP from completion from 60 to 45.
Dynamic City events
- Reduced XP from completion from 60 to 50.
- Increased value of an Influence Hotspot from 4 to 5.
Spiderbot Arena
- Increased average XP gained by 20%, dependant on rank:
- 1st place increased from 40 to 48.
- 2nd place increased from 28 to 34.
- 3rd place increased from 20 to 24.
- 4th place increased from 12 to 14.
Parcel Fox
- XP rewards decreased by around 25%.
Developer comment:
With TU4.0 we’re making changes for Online XP gain and Influence rewards by increasing the number of daily and weekly challenges available to players while reducing earnable XP from repeatable activities. Players have been great at optimizing the strategies for these activities and they were becoming slightly too rewarding and felt like the only valuable way to gain XP but also became quite a repetitive chore for some players. We hope that the increase of challenges, players will now have 30 different Daily challenges, and slight reduction in XP for repeatable activities will give players a more balanced way to rank up with better variety in their gameplay. Additionally, we wanted players to have a more reliable source of Influence outside of the rank track, to reduce the downtime between gaining Influence and therefore new Operatives. This will be particularly impactful for players at max rank.
Overall, everybody will have access to more daily and weekly challenges which means most players will see a slight increase in XP gain, while those that previously rushed through assignments or co-op missions will see a decrease in XP gain if they were to continue that playstyle. Influence gain should now feel better once you reached max rank when comparing it to before the update.
We’re excited to hear your feedback about these changes once you have tried them out!
Season Pass:
- New playable hero character, Mina Sidhu: Once a test subject, Mina Sidhu now wields the power of mind control and can take full control of an enemy with her Mind Control Device, the OMNI Optik. She is also equipped with a Mental Blast that can disrupt nearby enemies.
Mina’s Abilities:
- OMNI Optik: Mind Control Device (take full control of an enemy)
- Mental Blast: Disrupt Nearby Enemies
- OMNI Recharge: Takedowns Reset OMNI Optik
- New DedSec Stories mission, Swipe Right: In this new single-player mission, DedSec discovers that someone in London is conspiring with an Egyptian minister to sell off the country’s antiquities, with the money going to fund violent insurgents
The internal benchmark tool has received performance tweaks and now shows values closer to what you would experience during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after putting the console in a suspended / standby mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Voice Chat indicator to not be visible when performing certain actions in the potential recruits team tab.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the cloud save file to not be available for download under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Construction Workers to spawn in eligible areas during the “Helping Hand” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the second objective to be immediately active during the “Spare Parts” Co-Op mission, causing the first objective to not correctly trigger and making the mission impossible to complete.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the rewarded XP to be incorrect after a Spiderbot Arena match.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause the Online progression to not save when quitting the game immediately after the Online onboarding experience.
- Fixed an issue that caused the discovered shops to not be listed in alphabetical order in the DedSec Shop.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a memory leak when swapping between Operatives.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Abandon recruitment key to not be functional when using standard mapping with mouse and keyboard.
- Fixed several missing highlights for buttons in in-game shops.
- Fixed an issue that caused Community Photos to not appear when browsing the Photomode in Online sessions.
- Fixed an issue where some texts were mirrored when using the Arabic language DLC.
- Fixed an issue that caused gadgets sequence to not properly change when using the mouse wheel in the gadget select of an active Operative.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Swapping and Retiring Operatives button to be mapped to the same default binding when using mouse and keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where the “View Bio” button was not clickable when using mouse and keyboard.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the hostage NPCs to be missing, making the “Rescue Freedom Fighter” Borough Uprising mission impossible to complete.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when playing the cinematic during the “In Full BLUME” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen when opening the Pause Menu by pressing F10 while controlling and destroying a Spiderbot.
- Additional changes to prevent recruits being removed from the Potential Recruits menu when disconnecting from the game.
- Fixed an incorrect text in the profiler during the “Deal Breaker” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a non-functional loading screen to appear when logging into the game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when free roaming in the Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during certain player inputs.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when changing the Menu Narrator voice gender.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a “Boring-Routine” error shortly after starting a game session after a DLC was removed from the game (e.g., due to a refund).
- Fixed an issue that could cause Skirts to appear stretched on male characters when idling in a crouched position.
- Fixed missing localization for Online mode challenges.
- Fixed an issue that could cause enemy AI to stop spawning during Tactical Ops if a host left the session.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles used during the “Dangerous Driving” co-op missions could become unresponsive under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that could cause destructible objects to not respawn after failing and restarting some Co-Op missions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the mission “Planting a Seed” to not be completable if a load/save was performed while erasing the debt on the laptop.
- Fixed an issue where the “Edit” text was missing in the Team tab when the Font Scale was set to 100%.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when transitioning from the Online Main menu to a Free-roam session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Community Photos” tab to become invisible when certain privacy settings had been activated.
- Fixed an issue that could cause map objective markers to disappear when playing Online Assignments, causing the next objective to not trigger properly when arriving at the marker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become unresponsive if a player got disrupted by enemy AI while interacting with an elevator door during the “The Battersea” Borough Uprising mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Swap Operative prompt to become unresponsive after opening the Emote Wheel while being under attack by enemy AI.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash due to a rendering problem.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when quitting to the Main menu after finishing a Co-op mission and transitioning into the next Co-op mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause enemies to continue following players after completing the “Defend the Bagley Drone” objective during the “Moscow Rules” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause reinforcements to not arrive if the player is slightly outside the red area during the “Spare Parts” mission.
- Fixed missing subtitles during the “TOAN Deaf” mission.
- Fixed audio repeating itself when players chose to let the Van escape during the “Home and Hosed” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a deceased Operative to not be removed from the Operative list when force-quitting the game during the swap screen when playing with Permadeath activated.
- Fixed an issue that caused voting buttons to become unresponsive when switching between mouse and keyboard and a controller.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Join Game” and “Invite to Game” buttons to disappear when trying to play with a player doing the Online mode onboarding missions.
- Fixed an issue where the options in the advanced options menu of the Photo Mode, Photo camera and Photo Booth features could be switched without player input.
- Removed a van that could prevent players from interacting with an objective during “The Giant’s Lair” mission.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Font Scale option to not affect the “Fast Travel” feedback icon.
- Fixed some weird stairs.
- Fixed an issue where the Dynamic City event hint wouldn’t properly appear when fast travelling to the activity area.
- Fixed an issue that caused the taser rounds shot by hostile Spiderbots to not despawn during the “Catfishing” mission.
- Fixed an issue where destroying Albion drones with the dive bomb gadget did not count towards the “Destroy Drones” challenge.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bareknuckle challenge to not change its color when the colorblind option was set to “Tritanopia”.
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn outside of the map after dying and performing an Operative swap in the Online mode.
- Fixed incorrect speaker names in the subtitles during the “Moscow Rules” mission.
- Fixed an issue where the health bar of recently damaged players would remain in the world even if the player left the session during Spiderbot Arena matches.
- Fixed incorrect speaker names in the subtitles during the “Smoking Gun” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause vehicles to spawn in each other, making them unusable during Co-op missions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the LTL SG weapon to become unusable when performing a save/load while having the weapon equipped and upgraded once.
- Fixed incorrect speaker names in the subtitles during the “#JusticeForClaire” mission.
- Fixed incorrect speaker names in the subtitles during the “Things Fall Apart” mission.
- Fixed several issues that could cause the “Boring-Pastrami” error to occur during Online mode play.
- Fixed an issue that caused enemy AI to teleport into cover. They will now have to properly dodge your deadly attacks.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Swap Unavailable” symbols to be slightly off-centre in the hover card when inspecting Operatives to swap to on the map.
- Fixed several misaligned icons when using the Font Scale option.
- Fixed an issue where the DedSec Shop icon was present on the map when the DedSec Shop is not available during that time.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Social” button located in the Pause menu couldn’t be accessed using mouse inputs during certain Online activities.
- Fixed an issue that caused “Target in view” notification to be shown while using a news/camera drone and having the “HUD” option turned off.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a vehicle to turn autodrive on automatically when a passenger left the Online session while driving.
- Fixed several icons could re-appear while “HUD” options were turned off.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Photograph Barbican Centre” challenge to be more difficult than intended.
- Replaced placeholder texts present for certain locals with the proper information in the Gun menu.
- Fixed an issue where AFK kick notifications were not properly sent to players being AFK during Spiderbot Arena matches.
- Fixed missing music during the “What they do in the shadows” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the gadget widget to show as inactive after spamming a gadget button.
- Fixed an issue that could cause no weak spots to open after successfully completing a microdrone sequence during the “Giant’s Lair” Tactical Op mission.
- Fixed an issue where the out of range hack progress bar would not change color properly after saving/loading the game when “Color Blindness” options were set to “Protanopia” or “Deuteranopia”.
- Fixed an issue where the Menu Narration would continue reading out the option despite having moved the cursor or closing the pop-up.
- Fixed an issue that could cause flickering when selecting or de-selecting tracking icons.
- Improved vehicle handling when playing game in 60+ FPS.
- Fixed a bug where Photomode hints would not be narrated even though the narration accessibility option was turned on.
- Fixed lack of accessibility mode narration when browsing the main and pause menu.
- Fixed an issue where mission notifications would sometimes still appear even though the HUD was turned off.
- Fixed an issue where the VFX would still be present even though it was turned off in the HUD options.
- Fixed an issue where the Matchmaking message would sometimes appear when in the main menu.
- Fixed an issue where targeted UI buttons would not be highlighted.
- Fixed an issue where auto-targeting would appear on the screen even though the HUD had been turned off.
- Collectibles will now correctly adhere to the laws of gravity and will no longer float in the air.
- Fixed an issue where a cutscene would sometimes not play when swapping to a newly recruited operative.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an incorrect warning pop-up to appear when switching privacy settings during Online free roam.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Menu Narrator not to read out info cards or Hotspots on the map.
- Fixed an issue that could cause all relays to become inaccessible after a player holding a relay left a Co-Op session.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Toggle Clothes” button to not be clickable when browsing in-game shops.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to disconnect and receive the “Tragic-Ivy” error code when trying to connect to the game with the Ubisoft Connect overlay disabled.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from unlocking Gadgets from the Tech menu when using Tobii Eye Tracker.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck on a roof near the Nine Elms Police station.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Voice Chat to activate during loading screens without pressing the assigned Push-To-Talk button while Push-To-Talk had been activated.
- Fixed an issue where the “View Bio” button mapping did not automatically switch when changing from mouse and keyboard to a gamepad.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when trying to complete the “Meet Nowt at Somerset House” the “404 Not Found” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze for several seconds when using non-English audio during the “House of Horrors” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause enemy AI to roll out of their vehicle while ramming them.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a newly recuited Operative to be lost when disconnecting during the onboarding mission in the Online mode.
- Fixed a missing subtitle during the “Things Fall Apart” mission when using a non-English version of the game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Menu Narration audio to spike after alt-tabbing.
- Fixed an issue that could cause enemy AI to teleport to its’ spawn location after killing a player.
- Fixed an issue that could cause NPC affinity to not correctly change when they were injured or killed by a player using certain gadgets.
- Fixed missing audio for the Beer Chug ability.
- Fixed an issue that could cause High Value Characters to spawn in areas inaccessible to players.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while playing in Single-player or Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause all audio to disappear when connecting a second Xbox controller.
- Fixed an issue that could cause audio to cut out when playing with mouse and keyboard while a Xbox controller was connected.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the next throw to instantly occur if a player had pressed the “Throw” button immediately after taking a shot in the previous round while playing darts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Citizen Arrest” and “Down You Go” time-limited Ubisoft Connect challenges to not properly progress when performing a stealth arrest on certain NPCs.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Goin’ Medieval” and “Bop a Copper” time-limited Ubisoft Connect challenges to not properly progress when performing takedowns on certain NPCs.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Old School” Ubisoft Connect challenge to not properly progress when neutralizing certain enemy AI if the Operative used had the “K.O. punch” ability.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Zoom / Rotate” control reminder to disappear while hovering the mouse pointer over an objective.
- Fixed an issue where enemy AI AR cloak activation sounds could be heard even when not in range.
- Fixed an issue that could cause motorcycles to ride around without a driver. No more ghost riders!
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when inviting other players into a Spiderbot Arena match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when moving the camera in a certain way.
- Fixed an issue where the Main menu music could overlap with the loading screen music when joining an Online mode session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the loading screen music to indefinitely loop when having accepted an invite to an Online mode session via Ubisoft Connect.
- Fixed an issue that caused Photos to not be saved locally after the cloud save limit had been reached.
- Fixed an issue that caused the “Player profile” action in the Community Photos to not work properly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the audio, subtitles and background videos to stop when alt-tabbing during the final credits.
- Fixed an issue where the “Drone Fireworks” Ubisoft Connect challenge could count twice under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the villain appeared undefeated after finishing the Crime Boss chapter.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Team tab to become unresponsive to mouse clicks after pressing “Show on Map”.
- Fixed missing highlight for the “Hide UI” hotkey in the Photomode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in the Paste-Up UI by pressing “Pause Menu” and “Back” buttons at the same time.
- Fixed certain texts to overrun their text box for certain locals in the Challenges UI.
- Fixed an issue that could cause all marked chat text to be reversed when pressing the “END” button on the keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where the Menu narrator did not read out several tabs in the menus.
- Fixed an issue where tiles in the Tutorial sections could disappear when using a Tobii Eye Tracker.
- Fixed several missing reflections for Skins of the “P9 silenced” weapon when using ray tracing options.
- Fixed an issue where the Weapon Wheel could become invisible under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect DLSS option was automatically selected when activating ray tracing options.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when manually re-sizing the game window while using windows mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause visual artifcats when hitting an enemy NPC with a “Paint grenade”.
- Fixed an issue that could cause phone booths in the Online mode to flicker when using ray tracing options.
- Fixed an issue where the background of an Operative in the Team tab could overlap and block the view and access of other options.
- Fixed a missing notification when the maximum cloud storage for the Photomode has been reached.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when having the HD texture pack installed and using High or Ultra graphics settings.
- Fixed an issue that caused the stasis pod indicator in Tactical Ops to sometimes incorrectly appear grey.
- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar in the Team app would stay greyed out after switching between mouse and controller inputs.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to flicker when enabling HDR and setting the “Sharpness” option to maximum.
- Fixed an issue that caused a yellow outline around certain objects when enabling HDR and “Sharpness”.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the cursor to not hover over the last collected Data Drive when the drive was automatically opens after being picked up.
- Fixed an issue causing some UI elements to perform differently depending on the FPS the game was running on.
- Various visual fixes of Wrench’s Hoodie when using ray tracing options.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect HUD icons would appear on the screen.
- Fixed corrupted characters that could sometimes appear in the text chat when playing the Traditional Chinese version of the game.
- Corrected HUD that appears when using Drones in 1st person perspective.
- Fixed a preview bug that could sometimes appear in the Gadget Menu.
- Fixed an issue where a Reinforcement warning would incorrectly appear when tagging an enemy.
- Fixed an issue where confirmation sounds would stop playing if the HUD was turned off.
- Fixed an issue where the layout would misalign itself when entering Photomode.
- Corrected timer alignment in the Arabic version.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when trying to complete the “Confront Skye in her Chamber” objective during the “Into the Void” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when trying to complete the “Access the Themis files” objective during the “Belly of the Beast” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Voice Chat to continue to be active shortly after suspending the game
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if a host left a session during a loading screen when the “Next mission in…” countdown had already started.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the “Destroy Riot Drones in Co-Op Missions” challenge to not progress.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when entering or exiting a Spiderbot Arena match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the mission objective “Steal the Hospital Van” to be skipped during the “Spare Parts” Co-Op mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when leaving a Co-Op session and joining a free-roam session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the DedSec Grenade Launcher to not be available in Single-player if a player had previously used a APGL during Online mode play.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Pause menu to become unresponsive after a player cancelled the “Leave Tactical Op” option in any game mode.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Hostage during the “Vigilante” mission to be killable.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash due to a memory leak.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Spiderbot access port interaction animation to not properly show for players spectating another player using the Spiderbot in the Online mode.
- Fixed an issue where the objective NPC would not properly spawn during the “Recon Mission” Online Assignment.
- Fixed an issue that could cause access keys to spawn in unreachable locations during the “Reversion” Co-op mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a frame drop during the “Dangerous Driving” Co-Op mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the laptop prop to float in the air if the player destroyed the table it stands on during the “Vigilante” mission. Spooky, floating laptop!
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash during a host migration when a new Co-Op mission countdown was started.
- Fixed an issue that could cause reflections to be too bright when using Scan.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when hijacking a vehicle during the “Vigilante” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the mission “Kill Box” to not be started after completing the mission “Smoked Gun” in Single-player.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Text-To-Speech option to not work.
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash during a host migration when a new Co-Op mission countdown was started.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when loading into a Co-Op session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when changing the text localization option for the first time.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Quick Response messages in Online mode to not be localized between players’ selected languages.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a looping sound when opening the Ubisoft Connect menu from the Main menu of the game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when using the Instant sign-in option after the console was in standby.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when putting the console into standby during a loading screen.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when resuming the game from standby when changing the user after having suspended the console while being in a Spiderbot Arena.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when initalizing the sound engine.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when recruiting an Operative from the potential recruits list in the team menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when putting the console in a suspended / standby mode during a Spiderbot Arena match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an indefinite black screen when closing the Pause menu screen after pausing the game while accessing a clothing shop.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when an Operative inside a vehicle was incapacitated.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to be suspended if the internet connection was disrupted for an extended period.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when resuming the game after suspending it while in a Spiderbot Arena match.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when taking a picture.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash in the Somerset House area.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when trying to connect to the Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the achievements “Brave New World”, “Fresh Threads” and “All About Aesthetic” to unlock while the criteria had been meet.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when trying to join another players’ Online session if that player had communication priviliges set to Blocked.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when joining a Co-op session after having purchased DLC.
- Fixed an issue that could cause debug text to briefly appear when navigating through the options menu.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when switching to a new Xbox account while being in the Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen when switching from a user that has is using an audio DLC to a user using a different audio DLC.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a Tactical Op to restart if the host left the session.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen after putting the console in standby right after pressing “Continue” and loading into the Single-player campaign.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to gather evidence at the Royal Courts of Justice during “Light A Spark” mission.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ubisoft Connect challenges “No Clans Here” and “No Authorities Here” to not properly progress when neutralizing certain enemy AI.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if joining an Online session while playing the “Parks and Reclamation” mission.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when accepting a Co-Op invitation during Single-player when having set “You can join multiplayer” to “Blocked” on the Russian version of the game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an audio DLC to not be available if a player attempted to re-acquire the audio DLC if it was already downloaded.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a player to receive the “Fickle-Mole” error when attempting to reconnect to a Tactical Op session from which they disconnected.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to not be able to reconnect after several reconnect attempts had failed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when opening the Xbox dashboard while free roaming in the Online mode.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after leaving and re-joining a Co-op session.