Warzone players have cracked Nakatomi Plaza’s vault and plundered its riches

Die Hard location is one of three new points of interest in Verdansk

Warzone players have cracked Nakatomi Plaza’s vault and plundered its riches

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Season 3 Reloaded went live overnight, bringing with it a host of new content as part of its ‘80s action heroes event featuring Rambo and Die Hard.

Warzone’s Verdansk map has three new points of interest, the most imposing of which is Die Hard’s Nakatomi Plaza.

Replacing the Broadcast Tower and the surrounding blocks that normally make up Downtown’s southern district, it’s the tallest single structure in the game, with five floors to explore and multiple optional missions playable in Battle Royale and Plunder.

Floor 31 houses a vault containing stashes of cash, weapons and more which can be found in three safety deposit boxes. To crack the vault, players need to obtain one of three keycards, each of which can then be used to open a different box.

The first keycard can be obtained by completing an ‘Unfinished Business’ contract which, similar to Scavenger contracts, see players exploring the tower for Supply Boxes. The safety deposit box rewards players with cash, weapons and the Specialist Bonus which unlocks all the perks.

The second keycard can be earned by defusing C4 on the tower’s roof, while the third comes from interrupting an arms deal gone wrong and taking out a group of terrorists.

In the videos below, the second safety deposit box is shown to include an Advanced UAV, while the third one houses a Bat Out of Hell weapon blueprint and a Contraband contract only available from the vault.

Warzone’s other new points of interest are 10 Survival Camps dotted around Verdansk, which Activision says are inspired by Rambo: First Blood Part II and house some “solid loadout items”, and a makeshift CIA Outpost in one of the aircraft hangars in Verdansk’s northwest sector, where it might be possible to call in some form of air reinforcements.

The full Warzone Season 3 Reloaded patch notes are republished below. Black Ops Cold War’s mid-season update patch notes were released on Wednesday, detailing a major weapon tuning update alongside new multiplayer and Zombies content.

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Warzone Season 3 Reloaded patch notes


  • ‘80s Action Heroes

    • Two sets of nine challenges and rewards are available across Black Ops Cold War and Warzone during the ‘80s Action Heroes event starting May 20th.
    • Complete all nine Black Ops Cold War challenges to unlock a tactical rifle Weapon Blueprint, and complete all nine Warzone challenges to unlock a Sniper rifle Weapon Blueprint.


  • Power Grab, a Limited-Time Mode
    • What if we dialed up the intensity of Warzone to true Hollywood extremes? In Power Grab, you must eliminate other Operators, complete Contracts, and loot Supply Boxes around Verdansk to find Dog Tags. By collecting Dog Tags, you will work your way up a reward ladder that will give you the edge you need to win, including the personal Respawn Token. You’ll have to use everything you’ve got to control the flag that spawns during the final circle – calling in an Exfil Helicopter. True to the BR experience, you can also choose to hunt every single other Operator until you‘re the last one standing. There are fewer and smaller circles. There are no loadouts. There is no Gulag. But there will be action… and plenty of it!Good luck!


  • Adding:
    • Verdansk – Power Grab
    • Plunder – Quads
    • Rebirth Island – Resurgence Trios
  • Removing:
    • Verdansk – Mini Royale
    • Plunder – Blood Money Duos
    • Rebirth Island – Resurgence Quads


  • New Point of Interest: Nakatomi Plaza (Launch)

    • The headquarters of the Nakatomi Corporation have moved from sunny Los Angeles to Verdansk’s Downtown for a limited time.
  • New Point of Interest: Survival Camps (Launch)
    • Around Verdansk, numerous campsites have been converted into Survival Camps as a homage to Rambo: First Blood Part II.
  • New Point of Interest: CIA Outpost (Launch)
    • One of the aircraft hangars in Verdansk’s northwest sector has been converted into a makeshift CIA Outpost, as these agents need a home base to start tracking down the elusive Rambo.


  • Gunsmith Customs has been added for Black Ops Cold War Weapons
    • Customize your Weapon by borrowing Attachments from multiple Blueprint variants. You can swap the appearance of Weapon Attachments to feature elements from all of your unlocked Blueprints.
  • Stickers & Charms exclusive to either BOCW or MW will only be usable on their respective Weapons.


  • Added the new Combat Bow Killstreak to the following Verdansk modes: core BR, Plunder, and Power Grab.
  • Stopping Power Field Upgrade spawn rates have been reduced substantially across all modes.
    • Given Stopping Power’s efficacy and lack of counter play options, we felt its power level was at odds with its availability. We want to create more scenarios where a measured choice about how and when to utilize Field Upgrades is not just rewarded but encouraged. There was hardly an incorrect way to apply Stopping Power—which we felt took away from the satisfaction of optimal or strategic use. Our hope by drastically reducing its presence within Warzone is that we introduce a small strategy-based control. Those who loot efficiently increase their odds of finding it.
  • We will also be making an important adjustment to the Solo BR modes in the very near future. Keep an eye out on Twitter for more. 👀


  • Fixed additional map locations in Verdansk that allowed players to reach out-of-bounds areas. This is on top of the locations that we addressed in the last 2 patches.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Gas Mask to become unbreakable after a players’ first death with the Gas Mask equipped.
  • Fixed a bug that caused player Activision IDs to not always appear in the killcam or when spectating with or without the Option enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where Scavenger Challenges weren’t correctly referencing the Summit POI.
  • Fixed an issue where Loadout Drops would fall through salt pools in the Salt Mines.
  • Fixed an issue where Sparks was not visible in the Operator Select Menu until the Sparks Operator Bundle was purchased.
  • Fixed a bug with the LW3 – Tundra where firing the final shot in a magazine would displace the Weapon model.
  • Fixed a bug with the Great Pacific Blueprint where its Weapon stats were incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug with the Swiss K31 where it would deal lethal damage in a single upper body shot when loaded with Stopping Power.
  • Fixed a bug with the Bullfrog where it was receiving an unintended amount of Bullet Velocity.
  • Fixed a bug with the CARV.2 where some of its barrels were not assigning the correct values.
  • Fixed incorrect magazine names for the FARA 83.


  • Most nonverbal sounds are now called out in subtitles in [] brackets.
    • This will apply to all new Operators moving forward starting with Rambo and McClane.
  • Added HoH-like subtitles for baked-in graphics in cinematics.
  • Added a new Accessibility Options Menu.
    • This menu provides a pared-down list of settings which are specifically oriented towards accessibility.
    • Players can access this menu from the main blades menu immediately upon launching the game. To do so, launch Warzone and select Accessibility from the button options at the bottom of your screen. Alternatively, players can access the Accessibility Options menu from the existing Options menu. To do so, open the Options menu and select Accessibility from the button options at the bottom of your screen.
    • Core to our philosophy is ensuring all players across a broad spectrum of ability and disability are able to play and enjoy our content. The addition of the Accessibility Options menu supports this vision by bringing more visibility to the available options while increasing ease-of-access. More information on Warzone’s accessibility features can be found on the Warzone Accessibility FAQ.


  • New Weapons
    • Ballistic Knife (Launch)
      • Built for stealth kills from multiple distances, this versatile Weapon allows for melee attacks up close and a projectile blade attack from short-to-medium ranges.
    • AMP63: Pistol (In-Season)
      • Expect this Weapon to output high amounts of damage in a short period of time thanks to its full-auto nature, which makes it highly effective in close quarters.
  • Submachine Guns
    • AK-74u
      • Neck multiplier increased from 1 to 1.4
      • Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 20%
      • Bullet Velocity decreased by 15%
      • Maximum damage range decreased by 25%
      • The AK-74u’s  stats were well beyond what one might expect from a Submachine Gun. We are reining it back in line with other Weapons in its class—less Bullet Velocity, less Damage Range, and more Sprint to Fire Speed. While some of these changes may make it seem like the AK-74u had received a drastic reduction in efficacy, we believe these stats are not as meaningful to the SMG class when compared to handling and Time to Kill. With unparalleled maximum damage, locational multipliers, and an unforgiving rate of fire, the AK-74u is now the epitome of high-risk, high-reward SMGs.
    • PPSh-41
      • Maximum damage increased from 27 to 28
      • Maximum damage range increased by 3.8%
      • We believe the PPSh-41 is on the brink of being able to contest some of the strongest Submachine Guns. This damage bump will undoubtedly have the PPSh-41 joining other high tier SMGs as a contender for that top spot.
  • Snipers
    • All Black Ops Cold War Sniper base optics have been adjusted.
    • Sniper Rifle Charlie (Semi-Auto)
      • Bullet Velocity increased by 14%
      • Extremity multipliers increased from .9 to 1
      • Rate of Fire decreased from .33 to .83
      • We have found that the Sniper Rifle Charlie feels much more satisfying to use as a heavier duty semi-auto Sniper. We will continue to push it in this direction until we strike a satisfactory balance between its identity and efficacy.
    • LW3 – Tundra
      • Aiming Stability increased
      • The LW3 – Tundra did not have much holding it back beyond its ADS Speed and Aiming Stability. With this change to its base Aiming Stability and the availability of ADS Speed Attachments, the LW3 – Tundra will most assuredly become an excellent, versatile option for those that prefer to keep their enemies at a distance.
    • Swiss K31
      • Flinch Resistance greatly increased
      • ADS Speed increased slightly
      • Aiming Stability increased
      • Snipers like the Swiss K31 excel at aggressive, mid to long-range play. However, its poor Flinch Resistance overshadowed and played counter to some of its other great qualities. These changes in conjunction with the adjustments to Sniper Attachments will make Swiss K31 feel a lot more like the lightweight, fast-handling, high-skill Weapon it was meant to be.
    • ZRG 20mm
      • Bullet Penetration increased
      • Upper Torso multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.7
      • Lower Torso multiplier increased from 1.15 to 1.25
      • Extremity multipliers increased from .9 to 1
      • ADS Speed decreased by 4%
      • Bullet Velocity decreased by 2%
      • Move Speed decreased by 2%
      • ADS Move Speed decreased by 1%
      • The feel of a Weapon is important to us and the ZRG 20mm, while fun, was not quite where we wanted it. We are doubling down on its identity as the highest caliber Sniper in Verdansk. We want you to really feel like you are firing anti-materiel rounds. In order to achieve this, we made the Weapon ‘heavier’ and increased its Bullet Penetration. Now players on the receiving end of the ZRG 20mm will need to consider the width of objects that they use for cover. We find this gets both the wielder and their opponent to think about the game in different and interesting ways—which is something we always aim to promote.


  • Muzzles
    • Flash Guard
      • Vertical Recoil Control increased slightly
    • Suppressor
      • No longer reduces Bullet Velocity
      • Now increases Bullet Velocity
      • Now increases ADS Speed
      • Now increases Sprint to Fire Speed
      • We expect this relatively unassuming change to have widespread effects. The Suppressor now offers you another viable attachment choice in the muzzle category with a focus on different stats. For example, where Effective Damage Range is less of a priority (e.g., Submachine Guns) you would almost certainly take the Suppressor. Or perhaps you have more than enough Bullet Velocity (e.g., ZRG 20mm) and you want to shore up a weakness in handling. These are the types of compelling decisions we want to continue to develop.
  • Lasers
    • SOF Target Designator (Snipers)
      • No longer increases Effective Damage Range
      • Now increases Aiming Stability
      • ADS Move Speed multiplier increased
    • Ember Sighting Point (Snipers)
      • No longer increases Effective Damage Range
      • Now greatly increases Aiming Stability
      • ADS Move Speed multiplier increased
    • Steady Aim Laser (Snipers)
      • No longer decreases Hip Spread
      • Now increases ADS Speed
    • Swat 5mW Laser Sight (Snipers)
      • No longer decreases Hip Spread
      • No longer decreases ADS Speed
      • Now increases Aiming Stability
      • Now greatly increases ADS Speed
    • Black Ops Cold War Snipers desperately needed more ‘value’ Attachments—namely, more Attachments that provide stats that are relevant to Snipers. We feel the changes to these Attachments and base Sniper optics will make Black Ops Cold War Snipers far more competitive and enjoyable to use.
  • Rear Grips
    • Airborne/GRU Elastic Wrap
      • Aiming Stability increased

Generally, we are pleased with the level of Weapon diversity we have observed. As we look forward, at the top of our list is the look and feel of Black Ops Cold War optics in Warzone. We think some additional adjustments there will continue to push Weapon diversity even further. Additionally, we will be continuing our efforts in identifying and addressing attachment categories that do not support meaningful exploration and build diversity.


  • New Operators
    • Rambo (Launch)

      • This Operator will be available via the “Rambo” bundle in the Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Store from May 19 at 9PM PT to June 18 at 9PM PT. This bundle includes the Legendary Operator; two Finishing Moves, including one using his signature bow and arrow; three Legendary Weapon Blueprints—an Assault Rifle, an LMG and a Knife Blueprint; a Legendary Calling Card and Emblem; and an Epic Watch and Charm.“To survive a war, you gotta become war.”
    • John McClane (Launch)

      • John McClane will be available via the “Die Hard” bundle in the Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Store from May 19 at 9PM PT to June 18 at 9PM PT. This bundle includes the Legendary Operator, a Finishing Move, three Legendary Weapon Blueprints—one tactical rifle, one SMG, and one Assault Rifle—a Legendary Calling Card and Emblem, an Epic Watch, and an Epic Weapon Charm.“Welcome to the party, pal!”
  • Note: Rambo and John McClane are brand-new Call of Duty Operators; these are not skins for previously released Operators.


  • The Store across Black Ops Cold War and Warzone will be updated with two new Weapons, two new Legendary Operator Bundles – Tracer Pack: Die Hard (John McClane) and Tracer Pack: Rambo, fresh new Weapon Blueprints, Operator Skins, and more content across multiple bundles.


  • The Season Three Reloaded update will have a download size of approximately 14.6-18.1 GB for those who own the free-to-play Warzone and are current on the latest updates.
  • Warzone Update Sizes

  • Remember, the Black Ops Cold War download is not necessary if you are only playing Warzone, and vice versa. Furthermore, for a smaller overall file size, players can choose to uninstall/remove other data packs if they are no longer needed.
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