Skull and Bones open beta and year one roadmap announced

Players will be able to sample the long-delayed game ahead of its release next month

Skull and Bones open beta and year one roadmap announced

Ubisoft will hold an open beta for Skull and Bones ahead of the game’s release next month.

Available on PS5, Xbox series X/S and PC via Ubisoft Connect and Epic Games Store, it will run from February 8-11.

“Explore the Red Isle, Coast of Africa, Open Seas as well as the East Indies during this Open Beta to meet the different factions present in-game and face them peacefully or turn against them in combat,” Ubisoft says.

“As you find your sea legs in the world of Skull and Bones, the most direct path forward will be Main Campaign Contracts. These contracts will act as a guide as you build your reputation and discover more about the world.”

During the beta, players will be able to complete campaign contracts up to the mission called ‘Exterminate the Rat’.

The beta will support cross-progression and cross-play. Progression will be capped at the rank of Brigand (Tiers 6 rank 1) and will carry over to the full game.

Ubisoft has also released a new trailer revealing what’s in store for players during the game’s first year, from battling legendary pirates to endgame content, world events and growing an empire.

Following a troubled development that saw the game delayed on a handful of occasions and rebooted in 2020, Skull & Bones will be released on February 16, 2024.

Players will be able to play the game three days early if they pre-order the Premium edition.

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