Saints Row’s customisation suite will be revealed in a live stream next week

The showcase will include “a trailer, interviews and insider information”

Saints Row’s customisation suite will be revealed in a live stream next week

Developer Volition and publisher Deep Silver have announced an upcoming live stream which will reveal Saints Row’s customisation suite.

The showcase, which promises an “incredible premiere featuring a trailer, interviews and insider information”, will air on Deep Silver‘s Twitch channel on April 20.

The show will be hosted by actress Mica Burton

Deep Silver said: “Within the showcase itself, longtime fans and newcomers alike will be delighted to see a brand new trailer fully focused on customization across all aspects of player choice in the game, that will get gamers excited about all the incredible ways you can Be Your Own Boss in Saints Row – it will truly show off the breadth and depth of the customization features Volition have packed into the title.”

Saints Row will launch worldwide on August 23 following a delay.

Speaking at the time of the delay, Volition CCO Jim Boone explained; “Our priority is to create the best Saints Row game yet and, if we released on the original date, it wouldn’t be up to the standards we’ve set ourselves, and that you’re expecting and deserve.

“The team just need more time to do our vision justice – we’re doing some fine tuning and there won’t be much change in the game outside of overall quality and polish.

“However, due to the size and scope of our new Saints Row, it’s become apparent that to create the best game possible, we need to give our team longer to perfect their craft.”

Boone also confirmed that the game’s storyline and characters will be staying intact, despite initial backlash from some members of the series’ fanbase.

The Saints Row reboot was officially announced with a CGI trailer during the Gamescom Opening Night Live event in August 2021.

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