Pokémon Scarlet & Violet players can catch an extremely rare shiny for 2 weeks only
Get a shiny Rayquaza in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet before it’s too late

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players can get a shiny Rayquaza in their game for the next two weeks.
From Friday, December 20, until January 5, shiny Rayquaza will be appearing in 5-star Tera Raid Battles. The Rayquaza appearing during this event has Dragon as its Tera Type. The shiny Rayquza featured in the event is a reference to Pokémon Horizons, the ongoing anime series.
The shiny Rayquaza appearing in this event can be caught only once per save data. As long as the event is running, you can still participate in Tera Raid Battles against this Rayquaza to obtain other rewards if you’ve already caught it.
To coincide with shiny Rayquza’s arrival, a mass outbreak event featuring Pokémon that have black colouration when Shiny will be held concurrently. Fraxure, Carbink, and Cetoddle will appear throughout various locations and Pokémon appearing in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to be Shiny.
During this event, Cetoddle can be encountered in the Paldea region, Carbink can be encountered in the land of Kitakami, and Fraxure can be encountered in the Terarium at Blueberry Academy.
Players can find 5-star Tera Raid Battles after completing Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet’s main story. If you haven’t completed the main story, you may still participate in these Tera Raid Battles by joining other Trainers in multiplayer.