Pokémon Legends: Arceus is getting a free Daybreak update today
The update is out now to celebrate Pokémon day

Pokémon Legends: Arceus will be getting a new update today called Daybreak, which comes with new missions, battles and outbreak species.
“In the Daybreak update, you will be investigating mysterious mass outbreaks of Pokémonthat are popping up across the Hisui region” The PokémonCompany explained.
Mass outbreaks occur in PokémonLegends: Arceus frequently. During these events, certain Pokémon specific spawn in far greater numbers, and the odds of encountering a special shiny version of a Pokémon are far higher.
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New battles at training grounds will also be included in the update. Pokémon Legends: Arceus was a departure from traditional Pokémon games in many ways, but one of the main ones was the reduced number of battles throughout the world. While players could battle NPCs in the training grounds, there weren’t many of them, so this will come as good news to fans of the battling side of Pokémon.
In celebration of Pokémon Day, players who enter the password ARCEUSADVENTURE in the mystery gifts menu before 4 pm UK time (8 am PST) on 31st March will recieve Ultra Balls, 30 Gigaton Balls, and 30 Jet Balls.
Players will have to complete the main story content of Pokémon Legends Arceus to play the Daybreak update.
During the Pokémon Presents stream, the Pokémon company also announced Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, the next generation of Pokemon Games. The games will release worldwide in Late 2022.
Several Pokémon were revealed including all new starter Pokémon that will make their debut in the new games.
The games are set in a mysterious, unnamed region, but the trailer managed to give us a good look at the areas you’ll get to explore in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.