New PlayStation 5 system update tackles system performance

1GB firmware update now available

New PlayStation 5 system update tackles system performance

A new 1GB firmware update has been released for PlayStation 5 consoles.

According to the on-console patch notes, version 21.01-03.10.00 makes improvements to system performance and nothing else. However, it’s possible that other changes have been made and not mentioned, such as this month’s quiet fix for a disc spinning issue.

Sony released PS5’s first major system software update globally on April 14, adding the ability to store PS5 games on external USB drives (but not play titles from them), and cross-gen Share Play, meaning PS5 users can let friends on PS4 remotely play their games, among other features.

PS5’s full patch notes, transcribed by VGC, revealed previously undisclosed features included in the system update. They detail changes to accessibility, Control Centre, new visual options for 1080p / 120 Hz monitors and the ability to turn off HDR for non-HDR games.

Sony also made additions to the PlayStation smartphone app, including the ability to join a multiplayer session on PS5 from the app, manage your PS5 console storage, compare trophy collections with friends, and sort and filter products shown in the PlayStation Store.

In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Sony’s Hideaki Nishino suggested that further additions would be contained in the full update. “We’re only scratching the surface of the many updates and improvements we’ve made across PS5, PS4, and PS App, so check them out and let us know what you think,” he wrote.

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