Modern Warfare update featuring new maps and crash fixes now live
Latest Call of Duty patch delivers first free content drop and numerous fixes

Infinity Ward has released the latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare update, introducing new multiplayer content and a variety of fixes and tweaks.
The new Modern Warfare patch, version 1.07, adds the Shoot House multiplayer map as well as Krovnik Farmland, which is exclusive to Ground War mode.
[Update November 12: A new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare patch, version 1.08, has now been released.]
It also introduces Hardpoint mode, in which teams fight to capture a single, rotating area of the map.
As promised, the update includes “backend fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all platforms.”
The patch also filters footstep sounds behind geometry and adjusts the volume of footsteps at a distance, while crouch and ADS movement will be made significantly quieter in the next patch.
Players with full health will no longer die after detonating an enemy claymore with bullets, while the trigger and damage radius of claymores has been reduced.
The update changes battle chatter by removing the ability for opponents to hear when they’ve been called out by a rival team, while enemy callouts will no longer come from your operator.
Among the weapons changes, the 725 shotgun’s damage range has been reduced along with an increase to ADS and hip spread.
The full patch notes include many more updates, fixes and tweaks.
Activision revealed on Thursday that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s first Battle Pass will launch in December.
It also said that in its first week, Modern Warfare sales grew a high-teen percentage compared to 2018’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, “with strong console growth and PC units on reaching new highs”.