May’s PlayStation Plus games include Battlefield V

Sony details next month’s subscriber downloads

May’s PlayStation Plus games include Battlefield V

Sony Interactive Entertainment has confirmed May 2021’s PlayStation Plus games.

The games are Bugbear’s Wreckfest: Drive Hard (PS5), EA’s Battlefield V (PS4) And Beam Team Games’ Stranded Deep (PS4).

All three titles will be available for subscribers to download between May 4 and May 31.

April’s PlayStation Plus games, Oddworld: Soulstorm, Days Gone and Zombie Army 4: Dead War, will leave the service on Monday, May 3.

May’s PlayStation Plus games include Battlefield V
May’s PlayStation Plus games include Battlefield V.

PlayStation is currently offering another free game to PS4 and PS5 console owners in the form of Guerrilla’s Horizon Zero Dawn, which is available to download until May 14 (Pacific Time).

PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan recently claimed that Sony hasn’t decided if PS5’s PlayStation Plus Collection will be expanded beyond its initial launch line-up.

Announced in September, the PlayStation Plus Collection is a library of 20 PS4 games which PlayStation Plus subscribers can play on PS5.

Asked if there are plans to grow the collection, which currently consists of 10 first-party games and 10 third-party ones, Ryan told GQ Sony was taking a wait and see approach.

“Well, we’re going to wait and see how the world receives the Plus Collection,” he said. “You know, which games are played how much they’re played before we make any decisions about that.”

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