Marvel’s Avengers Black Panther expansion dated as free game trial launches

War for Wakanda will add “the most content to Marvel’s Avengers since the game’s launch”

Marvel’s Avengers Black Panther expansion dated as free game trial launches

Crystal Dynamics has announced a release date for its next Marvel’s Avengers expansion, Black Panther – War for Wakanda.

Arriving on August 17, the studio said the free update will add “the most content to Marvel’s Avengers since the game’s launch” a year ago.

It will introduce a new hero and outfits, new villains and enemies including Klaw, new story content, a new environment to explore and the Royal Palace Outpost, plus fresh solo or multiplayer Drop Zone and Threat Sector missions.

Marvel’s Avengers is currently free to play on PS4, PS5, PC and Stadia until August 1.

The launch of the free weekend trial, which includes 4x XP, coincides with the arrival of the game’s multiple-hero feature, which improves matchmaking by enabling users to play as the same hero when forming teams online.

Earlier this week, a Marvel’s Avengers update also introduced the first of the title’s end-game challenges: Omega-Level Threat: Family Reunion, and the ability to run existing Mega Hive missions with other players.

Omega-Level Threat missions require full four-player strike teams at power level 145 (150 is recommended). While they can be replayed, the highest-end gear will only be awarded once per week.

Publisher Square Enix has said that a free trial promotion will be available on Xbox consoles “in the coming months”.

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