Death Stranding Director’s Cut’s new trailer reveals a September release date

Cargo catapults, robot buddies and mounted machine guns are among the new additions

Sony and Kojima Productions have released a new trailer for Death Stranding which shows off a number of new features that have been added, as well as a September 24 release date.

The trailer, which can be seen above, shows the game running on PlayStation 5, then proceeds to show some of the new gameplay mechanics and tools.

These include new combat mechanics, designed to make battling enemies more enjoyable. Melee attacks have been upgraded, a new ‘maser gun’ can be acquired and players can find mounted machine guns.

There’s also a new Firing Range area where players can practice their marksmanship skills in training missions.

The game also adds new support tools designed to aid players during delivery sections, including a cargo catapult that lets players fire cargo long distances.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut’s new trailer reveals a September release date

There’s also a new support skeleton, a ‘buddy bot’ that can carry players when they’re tired and a portable jump ramp that can be placed down to let players drive over large gaps.

Other additions shown in the trailer include a Fragile Circuit racetrack, new missions and new enemy battles.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut was announced during Summer Games Fest Kickoff Live last month.

Kojima Productions confirmed in October 2020 that it was staffing up for a new game project and its art director said this March that the project was likely to be revealed relatively soon.

Summer Games Fest organiser Geoff Keighley asked Kojima during the show if he could offer any details on his next game.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut’s new trailer reveals a September release date
The new trailer reveals a September 24 release date

“I can’t say specifically,” he responded. “It won’t be like the past, it won’t be one step at a time. It’s a drastic change, just like after 9/11, we have to adapt and think about new ways of creating, as entertainment can’t fall behind.

“I have to think about what’s going to happen in the future. If it was something like an alien coming into my game, it wouldn’t matter much about the state of the world. We could just make up any concept or ideas. But I always want to put some societal elements as a base into the game to introduce players to what’s happening and maybe they’ll think about it. Of course, all the while still be entertaining.

“With this speed of change, I need to really consider which prediction I make and which ways I introduce ideas to the player.”

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