As its PS5 exclusivity deal ends, Godfall has been rated for last-gen PS4

Launch title was a six-month PS5 console exclusive

As its PS5 exclusivity deal ends, Godfall has been rated for last-gen PS4

PlayStation 5 console exclusive Godfall has been rated for release on PlayStation 4.

As spotted by Twisted Voxel, the fantasy “looter-slasher” was rated for the last-gen hardware earlier this week by Europe’s PEGI.

Developed by Counterplay Games, Godfall became the first officially announced PS5 game when it was unveiled at The Game Awards 2019.

It released for PS5 and PC via the Epic Games Store on November 12 and, according to its launch trailer, would be a six-month exclusive to these platforms and thus able to release on other formats from May 12, 2021.

Counterplay’s website previously stated it was in development for “next-gen consoles”, suggesting an Xbox Series X/S release was also on the cards.

The game received mixed reviews following its release last year, with its Metacritic score currently sitting at 61 on PS5 and 59 on PC.

As its PS5 exclusivity deal ends, Godfall has been rated for last-gen PS4
As its PS5 exclusivity deal ends, Godfall has been rated for last-gen PS4.

Our network partner PushSquare wrote in its Godfall review: “If everything Godfall had to offer was as good as its satisfying combat system, we would be looking at a darn good PS5 launch game. However, in reality, that’s the only thing it has to boast about.

“An inconsequential loot system, recycled environments, and a frustrating mission structure thwart any sort of enjoyment the game might offer. It’s not god-awful, but Godfall is going to be very quickly forgotten about.”

he Godfall development team is comprised of around 75 people with experience working on the Ratchet & Clank series, God of War, Destiny 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Diablo III, Gears 5, Star Wars Battlefront, Titanfall 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Evolve, Halo 5, Battlefield 3, BioShock Infinite, Call of Duty, Injustice 2 and Overwatch.

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