A sever-side fix is going out now. There are a number of band-aid fixes to instant cooldowns, WW damaging herself, and Arya up special. The correct fixes will come with Patch 2 coming (very soon). We're very sorry for the experience ruining bugs. #MultiVersus
— Tony Huynh (@Tony_Huynh) August 16, 2022
A new MultiVersus bug damages Wonder Woman when she attacks opponents
The issue should be fixed soon, however

A new bug that’s appeared in MultiVersus causes damage to Wonder Woman when she attacks enemies, but a fix is incoming.
Specifically, any time Wonder Woman hits an enemy in a way that causes them to bounce off the floor or a wall, she’ll also take damage.
Users on Twitter have been reporting the issue since the Season 1 update arrived on Monday, and VGC has been able to replicate the bug too.
As you can see in our footage below, every time we hit Shaggy off the floor, Wonder Woman takes either 9 or 10 damage, to the extent that she ends up taking more damage than her opponent.
Thankfully, the game’s director Tony Huynh has noted on Twitter that the issue has already received a temporary “band-aid fix” which will ensure the issue no longer happens during online play.
The issue will still continue to occur in other modes such as The Lab until it’s properly fixed with a full update, however, meaning players practicing Wonder Woman’s moves offline will still encounter the bug.
“A sever-side fix is going out now,” Huynh said today. “There are a number of band-aid fixes to instant cooldowns, Wonder Woman damaging herself, and Arya up special.
“The correct fixes will come with Patch 2 coming (very soon). We’re very sorry for the experience ruining bugs.”
He added: “These fixes only affect online play so some of these bugs will still appear in the lab until we can get a client fix.”
Earlier, Huynh noted the issue, saying: “Sorry, we know the issues that happened will put safeguards in place so this doesn’t happen in the future.”
MultiVersus Season 1 started on Monday, adding a new Battle Pass with 50 tiers.
Upcoming characters announced for Season 1 include Rick and Morty (from the show of the same name), DC Comics antihero Black Adam and Gremlins antagonist Stripe.
Sound files for Beetlejuice and The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz have also been discovered in the game’s data following the Season 1 update.
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