Star Wars Jedi Survivor bounties list: All bounty hunter locations
Every bounty hunter in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The bounty hunter side quest in Star Wars Jedi Survivor will see you hunting down 16 bounty hunters.
You’ll do this at the behest of Caij Vanda, who’ll also appear in Pyloon’s Saloon. You can trade the bounty hunter pucks you get for taking them down for items at Caij’s shop.
But where are all 16 of the bounty hunters, and who is the secret final boss? Read on below.
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor bounties list – all bounty hunters to fight
- Corde the Half & PR-85T the Other Half – You can find both of these bounty hunters together at the Halls of Ranvell.
- Fenn Finau & Masi Finau & KLE-O – This triple threat can be found in the Hangar Bay, however, you must have reached Nova Garon in the story to unlock this bounty.
- Gatt Medo – You’ll find Gatt in the Freight Handling Depot on Coruscant
- Kili Oso – You’ll find Killi Oso near the Jedi temple on Jedha.
- Kip Ostar – Head back to the Derelict Dam on Koboh to find this bounty.
- Korej Lim – This is the first bounty you’ll come across, and it can be found in the Devastated Settlement.
- Mash – Fly back to Koboh’s Shattered Moon to find this bounty.
- Meyen Corr – Corr is in the Boiling Bluff on Koboh.
- Selfin Jook – Head to the bottom fo the Observatory Understructure on Koboh to find Selfin.
- Vaslyn Martz – You’ll find this bounty at the bottom of the Fogged Expanse on Koboh.
- Raz – Head back to the Forest Array on Koboh to find Raz in the same area you fought Dagan Gera.
- Yuhong – Yuhong can be found near the Path of Restoration on Jedha. (Note: There’s a known issue where Yuhong won’t appear. Simply close the game and reload and it should fix it.
- Jo the Cannibal – As far as we can tell, this is the final bounty hunter that you’ll take on in the list. You can find Jo The Cannibal on Koboh, in the Lucrehulk.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor bounties list – secret final bounty
After you complete all 16 of the bounties and return to Pyloon’s Saloon, you’ll notice that Caij is missing.
A message on the table tells Cal to go meet Caihj where it all began, which is in the Devastated Settlement.
Once there, you’ll fight the final bounty, the identity of which is a big spoiler, so only read on if you’re happy with knowing the identity…
The final bounty hunter fight in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is against Caij. This fight is roughly the same difficulty as the rest of them.
However, the real prize for defeating Caij is the cutscene after, which we won’t spoil here as it’s the best cameo in the game.