Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bot Ending Explained
See the huge cameo at the end of the Spider-Bots questline

Spider-Man 2′ Spider-Bot side mission has an incredible ending.
Spider-Man 2 features 30 Spider-Bots that are scattered around New York.
If you want to find every Spider-Bot, we have maps showing you the exact location of all of them.
But, once you’ve completed the quest, you’ll be shown a very special cutscene, which has huge implications for the future of the Spider-Man games.
So, be warned, the rest of this article contains spoilers for the end of the Spider-Bot questline.

Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bot Ending

When you’ve collected the final Spider-Bot, you’ll be given a final map marker. Ganke will tell you that he’s worked out who’s been leaving the Spider-Bots around the world. You then have to head to an old subway terminal in the Financial District.
When you approach the area, you’ll see large pink glitches emerging from the wall. This image should be familiar to anyone who’s seen either of the Spider-Verse films.
On the other side of the of the wall you’ll see Delilah, the bartender in The Bar With No name, which was briefly featured in Across The Spider-Verse.
She’ll then take all of the Spider-Bots from you (don’t worry, you can still view them in your collection.)
She then says that if “Miguel” comes looking for them, then it’s “finders keepers.”
This is a reference to Miguel O’Hara, otherwise known as Spider-Man 2099.

This ending directly connects the universe of Insomniac‘s Spider-Man games with the rest of the Marvel Universe. Insomniac’s Spider-Man costume had previously featured in other Marvel Spider-Man projects as easter eggs, but this is the first time that characters from the two universes have interacted.
For more Spider-Man 2 guides, click over to our Spider-Man 2 suits list and All Spider-bot locations, or find out how to unlock the Classic Black Suit, Noir Suit, and Spider-Punk suit.
We also have a guide to the Just Let Go Trophy and the Spider-Man 2 Spider-Bot Ending Explained.