Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny Sandwiches: All shiny sandwich recipes for Sparkling Power
Farm shiny Pokemon with ease with these choice shiny sandwich recipes

Need to know the shiny sandwich recipes for each type of Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet? Shiny sandwiches are the new way to boost shiny spawn rates in the latest mainline Pokemon titles.
You make shiny sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by combining ingredients. We’ve listed every shiny sandwich recipe you’ll need to generate Sparkling Power 3 in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to make farming shinies a breeze. Shiny sandwich ingredients are found in shops or across Paldea, but key ingredients require extra work we’ll cover below.
All shiny sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to get Herba Mystica
Herba Mystica is an ingredient used in the creation of shiny sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Herba Mystica can be found in 5 and 6-star raids and appears in 5 different forms. They’re sometimes given away as Mystery Gift codes, too.
We have complete lists of which Herba Mystica appears in which raid below:
- Sweet Herba Mystica raid guide: Where to get Sweet Herba Mystica
- Bitter Herba Mystica raid guide: Where to get Sweet Herba Mystica
- Sour Herba Mystica raid guide: Where to get Sweet Herba Mystica
- Spicy Herba Mystica raid guide: Where to get Sweet Herba Mystica
- Salty Herba Mystica raid guide: Where to get Sweet Herba Mystica
How to farm Herba Mystica

The best way to farm Herba Mystica for shiny sandwiches is to battle in 5 and 6 star raids. These raids are unlocked once you’ve completed Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. For more information on how to unlock those 5 and 6-star raids, check out our guide.
Unfortunately, event raids won’t drop Herba Mystica, so there’s no point farming those raids if you’re trying to get more shiny sandwich ingredients.
All shiny sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

To make a shiny sandwich, you’re going to have to grab the Herba Mystica from the various Tera Raids as explained above. The drop rates of these Herba Mystica items are largely random, so it could take some time.
Once you’ve got the Herba Mystica, pick which type of Pokemon you’re looking to hunt, then look below at the recipe requirements. Usually, it’s just one extra ingredient in addition to the Herba Mystica, most of which can be found in the deli in Mesagoza.
- Dragon Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Water Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Normal Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Fire Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Fairy Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Grass Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Electric Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Bug Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Psychic Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Ghost Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Fighting Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Poison Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Rock Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Flying Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Steel Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Ground Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Ice Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Dark Shiny Sandwich recipe
Dragon Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Avocado
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Avocado X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Water Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Cucumber
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Cucumber X2
- Prosciutto
- Red Pepper
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Normal Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Chorizo
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Fried Filet
- Salty Heba Mystica
- Any Herba Mystica
Fire Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Basil
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sweet Herba Mystica
- Red Pepper X2
- Onion
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Fairy Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Tomato
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Tomato X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Grass Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Lettuce
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sour Herba Mystica
- Lettuce X2
- Prosciutto
- Red Pepper
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Electric Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Yellow Bell Pepper
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Spicy Herba Mystica
- Yellow Pepper X2
- Onion
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Bug Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Cherry Tomato
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Potato Salad X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Psychic Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Onion
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Onion X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Fighting Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Pickles
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Prosciutto
- Red Pepper
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Herbed Sausage
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Ghost Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Red Onion
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Red Onion X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Poison Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Noodles
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Green Pepper
- Onion
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Rock Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Jalapeno
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Bacon X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Flying Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Prosciutto
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Prosciutto
- Red Pepper
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Onion
- Any Herba Mystica X2

Steel Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Hamburger
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sweet Herba Mystica
- Hamburger X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Ground Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Ham
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Ham X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Ice Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Klawf Stick
- Salty Herba Mystica X2
- Klawf Stick X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
Dark Shiny Sandwich recipe
- Smoked Fillet
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sweet Herba Mystica
- Smoked Filet X2
- Prosciutto
- Green Pepper
- Red Pepper
- Yellow Pepper
- Any Herba Mystica X2
How to simulate what shiny sandwiches do in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

If you’re curious to see what your ingredients would do, without actually making the sandwich yourself, there’s now a way to simulate the results of creating a shiny sandwich without using the items.
A player named Cecilbowen has created a website that allows you to pick whatever items you want, and see what the result would be if you submitted them into an in-game sandwich.
Considering how limited the ingredients are, and the fact that even if you get the perfect circumstances to spawn a shiny Pokemon, it’s still up to chance, we recommend using the shiny sandwich simulator before setting off on a hunt.
All shiny sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet : The isolated encounter method

A new method for finding shiny Pokemon, known as the isolated encounter method, has hugely sped up the process of finding shiny Pokemon.
In order to do this, you’re going to need to use the shiny sandwiches found above, in order to trick the game into only spawning one type of Pokemon in an area over and over again, hugely increasing your odds of finding a shiny one.
The Isolated encounter method seeks to completely eliminate most of the Pokemon from appearing in the overworld. For example, in the grass near the Fairy-type Team Star base, a large number of Pokemon can appear. However, Espeon is the only Psychic-type Pokemon that can appear in that area.