Serenitea Pot: A guide to the Genshin Impact housing system
Realms, Blueprints, furniture and more explained for the Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot

The Serenitea Pot is a new item added with Genshin Impact’s 1.5 update which powers its housing system and allows players to curate their own little realms.
These abodes are housed in the Serenitea Pot, an artefact created as a reward for the traveller by the grateful adepti of Liyue.
If you haven’t yet unlocked your Serenitea Pot or just need an explainer, we have you covered, plus plenty more tips and tricks to get you started.
But if you’ve already dipped your toes into the Serenitea you might be wondering how you get all these Genshin Impact wood materials required to build furniture and more. So here’s our guide to everything you need to know about the Genshin Impact housing system.
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Genshin Impact codes | Serenitea Pot housing guide | Genshin Impact wood and materials guide
Serenitea Pot
Our guide to Genshin Impact’s housing system includes:
- How to get a Serenitea Pot
- How to use the Serenitea pot
- Who is Tubby?
- Serenitea Pot Trust Ranks
- Blueprints and how to craft furniture
- The Realm Depot and buying furniture
- How to place furniture
- Serenitea tips & tricks
How to get a Serenitea Pot

Travellers will need to have completed the story quests up until this point and reached level 35. Then the ‘A Teapot to Call Home’ quest will become active in the list. To start this quest, travel to Liyue and speak to Madam Ping.
A Teapot to Call Home is a fairly straight forward quest, mostly involving following waypoints and talking to NPCs. It introduces players to the new playable character Yanfei who is helping to collect the materials required to build this teapot realm. Once completed, players can return to Madam Ping to receive their very own Serenitea Pot.
How to use the Serenitea Pot
The Serenitea Pot sits in the player’s gadget section of the inventory. Navigate to it in your menu, and select “place” to ready the teapot. Out of the menu, the teapot will appear in front of the player much like other gadgets. Interact with it and you’ll enter the teapot realm – you can also leave the teapot the same way, or interact with the map and teleport as usual.

This transports the player to a completely separate section of the game, a bit like a domain. However, before you can get started you’ll need to make a choice between the three different styles of realms.
Don’t worry too much about this choice. The realms so far are only different cosmetically, and even this is a bit slighter than expected. They all provide a space of land that is very much the same, but the area surrounding it will differ. It’s more like choosing a background in its current form and you will be able to change it down the line – but not for a while.
Once actually in your new teapot home, players can begin to explore. Though, there won’t be much there yet aside from the mansion and grasslands. In front of the mansion is the teapot spirit Tubby, who sees to the upkeep of your new abode.
Who is Tubby?

Talking to Tubby gives players the option to check their rating, craft furniture items, buy items and blueprints, and more. It can be a bit overwhelming, which is why we’re breaking it all down for you in this guide.
Serenitea Pot Trust Ranks

Serenitea Pot realms have two different ranking systems. The first, is a trust ranking based on all the wonderful items you’ve created. Each milestone will earn you rank rewards which can include things like primogems and blueprints. It also affects the maximum amount of currency you can hold before withdrawing from Tubby, and will also give you other bonuses like additional crafting slots.
Realm currency is generated by your Adeptus rank. The higher the ranking the more currency Tubby will generate for you to collect.
Blueprints and how to craft furniture

Here you can use your blueprints and materials to craft items. You may need to interact with blueprints in your item menu to learn them first. It’s very similar to the forge in that you have a certain amount of crafting spots that can be used at once.
Each item will take time to build. If you’re feeling impatient you can speed it up using a bottle of Adaeptal Speed stuff which can also be bought at the shop to immediately finish an item. Having friends stop by and talking to Tubby can also increase the build speed.
You can also build some crafting components like paper and dye in this menu, but they will be immediately available. Other crafting components, like wood, will need to be sourced in the main world.
The Realm Depot and buying furniture

Tubby also provides a shop so you can feed those realm currencies straight back into it. Here you can purchase various items of furniture, blueprints and other items like the Adeptal Speed up bottles to help improve your realm.
Rare blueprints and furnishings can be found by talking to the travelling sales teapot spirit, Chubby. He can be found in your and other people’s realms on weekends and may sell different items in other travelers’ worlds.
There are also two known furniture sellers in the main world of Teyvat. One is Goth, who can be found at the park south of the Knights of Favonious HQ in Mondstadt.

The other is Master Lu who is near the house by the lower ledge of Quince Village. As they seem to be classed as normal shops, they’re only accessible during the day (8am – 5pm in game).

How to place furniture
Aside from Tubby, the other main menu to interact within the teapot is for placing items and it can be identified as a hand/pointing icon.
This menu can also be a bit confusing and difficult to navigate. Especially on controllers where the button to leave is also set to confirm. On the top portion of the screen you can see your realm and to the left should be a key for controls. It’s a good idea to really read this due to the confusing nature.
On the lowest portion of the screen are categories that can be scrolled through. Any placable items you have will be found in these lists and it’s a good idea to look through them completely to check for new things to put down.

Select an item, move it around the map using the key controls on the left, and place it in your desired location. Items will have an outline to help you know where they can be put down. They usually can’t intersect with other items. If you’re having difficulty placing an item, try rotating it to see if that helps.
If an item has already been placed, you can remove items the same way to return them to your inventory. You can also pick them up and move them around. You’ll need to collapse the item menu first to enter this mode.
The last section in this menu is for sets. Sets will only be placable if you have all the required items and they are not already put down, so you may need to recollect some items if you want to build a set. As items can be tricky to place nicely, sets provide a prearranged group which can make this process a bit easier.
Items can be placed the same way inside the mansion. It’s worth noting the mansion is split into sections, so you may need to be in a room or area to place an item.
Serenitea Pot tips & tricks
Don’t worry about choosing your theme: One of the very first things you do with the Serenitea Pot is choose a themed location. There’s three to choose from, and they each promise different vibes and views. This first big choice has a few players paralyzed because it feels important and unchangeable at the time.
However, after visiting a few locations unless you’re standing right on the edge looking over they all feel much the same. Plus you’ll be able to change it up later once you upgrade your home. Just pick whichever and get started to enjoy the new item.

Collect Currency Regularly: Talking to Tubby in your Serenitea Pot gives you a bunch of options, and the first is to check your rank. Here you can also collect the currency your realm generates. Tubby can only hold so much depending on your trust level so make sure to check in to collect. Otherwise, that realm currency will just stop accruing while the bowl is full.
Spend fast and hard: The first few levels of the Serenitea Pot advancements are pretty easy to blast through if you throw caution to the wind and just spend your currency. Many just require you to have x blueprints or items and give generous rewards making it worth the spend. Plus, the more you spend, the faster you generate. There’s not much reason to be conservative with your currency.
Save for the weekend: That being said, make sure you have a little extra coin on you when the weekend hits. This is when Chubby the travelling sales person comes to the Serenitea Pot worlds. Chubby sells things you can’t get anywhere else, so make sure you have a few tucked away.
Tea Parties: Speaking of the weekend, it’s the perfect time to visit other players’ Serenitea Pots. You can earn battle pass points and just get more stuff from buying off other players’ Tubby vendors. They’ll have different items than what they offered you, but if they’ve already been purchased you’re flat out luck. Players can also interact with friends’ Tubby spirits to help speed up their friend’s crafting so it’s worth checking in from time to time. Any day, not just the weekend.

Use Adeptus Potions: But players can also speed up crafting themselves using the potions provided by Chubby and also earned through various other Serenitea Pot tasks. In the early levels the game literally showers you with these so you may as well use them up. They’ll help you level faster and gain more rewards – some of which will be more potions.
Always Be Creating: Talking to Tubby lets you build furniture but it takes a long time. If you’re not using those potions to instantly grab your furnishings, at least make sure the slots are always full. Empty slots do nothing, and with 14-hour turn around times, it all adds up in the end.
Experiment with building: So far there’s not a tonne of crazy stuff you can do with the placing system. However, it’s still good to have a play around. Landforms can stack a few times and some items may go on top of others.

Remove Items: It isn’t necessarily super obvious, but once items are placed you can pick them up, move them around, and even return them to your inventory. You’ll need to collapse the Furnishing options while in place mode, and then hover over items to do so.
Find Furniture Sellers: A few of the citizens of Teyvat have been upgraded to shops to sell you furniture for your new abodes. One is Goth, who can be found at the park south of the Knights of Favonious HQ in Mondstadt. The other is Master Lu who is near the house by the lower ledge of Quince Village. As they seem to be classed as normal shops, they’re only accessible during the day (8am – 5pm in game).
Use your Blueprints: It’s counterintuitive but Blueprints need to be used before they can actually make things. To do this, just pop open your inventory and navigate to the item. Selecting use will change the blueprint from something you own, to something you can make. It’s very easy to forget to do, especially when you might be getting a lot of random Blueprints coming in so it’s good to check on now and then.

Cut all the Trees: One of the most used commodities in building furniture is wood. Genshin Impact wood can be collected from the main world map by attacking trees. Sword characters like Traveller are good for this because no matter the weapon it takes 3 slices and they’re among the fastest. Each tree drops three portions of wood, specific to that breed of tree. You may want to make it a habit while in your journeys to get stabby on some of nature’s beauty.
It’s worth noting that currently, you can collect wood from trees in other player’s games. The wood spawns for whoever hits the tree, and seems to work for both parties even. This means you can both get wood from the same tree, but will both need to strike it. You can also check out our ingredients guide to see what trees drop what and where you can get them.