Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Every location for every legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Looking for every Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk?

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk contains a huge number of legendary Pokemon, with new and old faces making up the game’s huge roster of Legendary Pokemon.

But where are all of the Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Read on to find out, and also to find out how to start the quest to find some of the classic legendary Pokemon.

Looking to trade some legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk? Be sure to check out our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk trade codes guide so you can fill out your Pokedex with the legendary Pokemon that you might be missing.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Terapagos

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

The first legendary Pokemon you’ll likely encounter as part of the DLC is Terapagos.

The Pokemon featured in the game’s art, Terapagos is central to the game’s mystery, as are its new forms, which we won’t spoil here. You won’t be able to catch any of the other legendary Pokemon in our list without facing Terapagos, so don’t worry to much about this one.

Terapagos can be caught during the course of the main story and is unmissable, so don’t worry about not getting the new Legendary Pokemon.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Gouging Fire

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Gouging Fire is a brand-new Paradox Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk. A Paradox version of Entei, Goughing Fire is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet, meaning players in Pokemon Violet looking for the Pokemon will need to trade with a friend, or wait for the Pokemon to be made available in raids.

Goughing Fire can be found in Area Zero in The Paldea Region. You need to complete the Perin quest, which involves catching 200 Pokemon in the BlueBerry PokeDex.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Iron Boulder

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Iron Boulder is a Paradox Version of Terrakion, the generation 5 Pokemon. The Pokemon, which was first found in Pokemon Black and White, can be found in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk.

Much like the other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Paradox Legendary Pokemon, Iron Boulder and can be found in Area Zero.

Iron Boulder is exclusive to Pokemon Violet. In order to get the Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet, you’re going to have to trade with a friend, or use one of our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trade Codes.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Iron Crown

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Iron Crown can be found in Area Zero. In order to find the Pokemon, you’re going to have to complete Perrin’s quest. All you need to do to complete this quest is to collect 200 Pokemon and show them to Perrin. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be shown the location of Iron Crown in Area Zero.

Iron Crown is exclusive to Pokemon Violet. In order to get the Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet, you’re going to have to trade with a friend, or use one of our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trade Codes.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Raging Bolt

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Raging Bolt is a Paradox version of Raikou. The Pokemon can be found at the end of the Perrin quest. All you need to do to complete this quest is to collect 200 Pokemon and show them to Perrin. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be shown the location of Raging Bolt in Area Zero.

Iron Crown is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet. In order to get the Pokemon in Pokemon Violet, you’re going to have to trade with a friend, or use one of our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trade Codes.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Pecharunt

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

As teased in The Teal Mask, Pecharunt is the final Pokemon in the group of the so-called Loyal Trio. This Pokemon, which is part-poison type, will have a yet-unreleased event attached to it.

The Pokemon, which has been added to the game files, and will be distributed at some point, is a mythical Pokemon, and much like the previous mythical, it will be introduced at a later date.

The images we currently have of Pecharunt come from a widely circulated datamine of Pokemon Home, confirming their legitimacy.

Images from the event, including screenshots from cutscenes that will be shown to the player when the event is distributed, are circulating online.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Meloetta

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Meloetta is the most complicated Legendary Pokemon to find, and as such, we’ve created a separate guide to show you where to get Meloetta in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon Locations

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk features a huge number of legendary Pokemon. In order to get these Legendary Pokemon, you need to complete the main game, and then speak to Snacksworth, an NPC that’s found in the entrance of BlueBerry Academy.

Once you speak to him, he’ll tell you to complete BBQs, which are BlueBerry Quests. For every 10 solo quests, and every 1 group quest, you’ll be given a legendary Pokemon snack.

Each of these snacks corresponds to a specific legendary, however, it’s not clear if the Pokemon appear in a specific order.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Lugia

Lugia can be found in the water off the top right side of the map. Fly to the North Province Area One Watch Tower, and then head into the water north of that. You’ll see to your far left a collection of islands, Lugia is there.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Ho-oh

You can find Ho-oh in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk in the south-west of the map. To find Ho-oh, head to Alfornada, and then head to the right. You’ll find Ho-oh on the side of a cliff. For more detail, check out our map.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Raikou

Raikou is at the top of a hill in the West Prince Central zone. Fly to that fast travel location and then go to the highest area to find Raikou.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Entei

Entei is in the far east of the map, in the sandy area to the north of the Levincia Lighthouse.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Suicune

Suicune can be found on a small island in the middle of Casseroya Lake.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Zapdos

Zapdos can be found right next to the Poco Path Lighthouse.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Moltres

Moltres is on a rock in the Asado Desert. Fly to the Asado Desert Watchtower and go north to find it.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Articuno

Articuno can be found on the Glaseado Mountain range, to the west of the Montenevera fast travel point.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Kyogre

Kyogre can be found off the top left corner of the map, just to the North West of Cassroya Lake. He’s between a small set of rocks in the sea.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Groudon

Groudon can be found in the Alfornada Cavern in the South West corner of the map.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Rayquaza

Rayquaza is high on a mountain in the South Province area of the map. Thankfully, by the time you’re going after Rayquaza, you’ll be able to fly around freely with your mount, so there should be no issue.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Latios

Latias is near the North Province area of the map. Fly to Fury Falls and then head south to find the Hoen legendary.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Latias

Latias can be found near Ho-oh, just along the coast towards the starting area of the game.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Verizion

Verizion can be found to the west of Latios and Cobalion.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Terrakion

Terrakion the just beyond Solgaleo, to the right of the Dark Crew’s Base.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Cobalion

Cobalion can be found just north of Latios near Fury Falls.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Reshiram

Reshiram is found just south of Zapapico, near the stream.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Zekrom

Zekrom is on top of a mountain in the south east of the map, just below Artazon.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Kyurem

Kyurem can be found in the Dalizapa Passage, at the south of the snowy mountain area. Simply fly to the Dalizapa Passage fast travel point, and then head into the passage itself to find the Pokemon.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Solgaleo

Solgaleo can be found at the Pokemon League. Simply fly to the Pokemon League fast travel point and battle the Pokemon at the back of the building.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Lunala

Lunala is in the far west of the map, on a cliff to the north of Porto Marinada. Despite earlier claims that the Pokemon can only be obtained at night, it’s possible to fight Reshiram at any point in day-night cycle of the game.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Spectrier

Spectrier is found in the ruins at the south of the Dalizapa Passage.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Glastrier

Glastrier is found in the south Glaseado Mountain range. You can find the Pokemon by flying to the fast travel point on the mountain and then heading south.

The Indigo Disk All Legendary Pokemon: Kubfu

Kubfu, the legendary Pokemon that evolves into Urshifu, can be found in North Province (Area Two.) In the area with the bamboo shoots, near where you found Cobalion, Kubfu will be standing near a waterfall. The weakest of all of the legendary Pokemon, Kubfu is found at Level 30.

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