Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

Find out the best gym order for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order are a first for the series because you can actually do the gyms in any order.

While previous games would occasionally let you skip a gym, or do one of two gyms in a random order, from the start of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the gym order is entirely up to you.

After you start attending the Academy, you’re given the option of three separate paths; taking on the gyms in Victory Road, finding the Herba Mystica and defeating Titan Pokemon in Path of Legends, and defeating Team Star in Starfall Street.

Of course, one thing dictating the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order is the level of the Pokemon. You’re not going to get far if you’re planning on taking on a gym leader much higher than your team.


We’ve updated this guide with more information.

This can make things a little tricky, because it’s not always immediately obvious which gym to take on first.

What’s more, if you don’t know what you’re going to be facing up against when you get there, you might still be defeated regardless.

With that in mind, this guide is a complete list of all the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gyms, the best Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym order we recommend, and which Pokémon each gym leader will use when you face them.

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order: Which path is best?

1. Cortondo Gym (Bug-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Cortondo, the gym leader will use:

  • Nymble (Level 14)
  • Tarountula (Level 14)
  • Teddiursa (Level 15)

2. Artazon Gym (Grass-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Artazon, the gym leader will use:

  • Petilil (Level 16)
  • Smoliv (Level 16)
  • Sudowoodo (Level 17)

3. Levincia Gym (Electric-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Levincia, the gym leader will use:

  • Wattrel (Level 23)
  • Bellibolt (Level 23)
  • Luxio (Level 23)
  • Mismagius (Level 24)

4. Cascarrafa Gym (Water-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Cascarrafa, the gym leader will use:

  • Veluza (Level 29)
  • Wugtrio (Level 29)
  • Crabominable (Level 30)

5. Medali Gym (Normal-type)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Medali, the gym leader will use:

  • Komala (Level 35)
  • Dundunsparce (Level 35
  • Staraptor (Level 36)

6. Montenerva Gym (Ghost-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Montenerva, the gym leader will use:

  • Banette (Level 41)
  • Mimikyu (Level 41)
  • Houndstone (Level 41)
  • Toxtricity (Level 42)

7. Alfornada Gym (Psychic-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Alfornada, the gym leader will use:

  • Farigiraf (Level 44)
  • Gardevoir (Level 44)
  • Espathra (Level 44)
  • Florges (Level 45)

8. Glaseado Gym (Ice-type)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

In Glaseado, the gym leader will use:

  • Frosmoth (Level 47)
  • Beartic (Level 47)
  • Cetitian (Level 47)
  • Altaria (Level 48)

Best Titan Pokemon Order

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gym Order

As with the Victory Road gyms, you can take on the Path of Legends and the Titan Pokemon in any order.

However, some Titan Pokemon are stronger than others, so we recommend taking them on in this order:

  • Klawf (South Province, Area 3)
  • Bombirdier (West Province, Area 1)
  • Orthworm (Eat Province, Area 3)
  • Great Tusk or Iron Treads (Asdado Desert)
  • Dondozo (Casseroya Lake)

In order to finish the questline, you’ll then need to battle Arven and his team of powerful Pokemon.

Arven’s team will all be around level 60, so you’ll need to make sure you have your own powerful line-up before taking him on.

Best Team Star order

The Starfall Street is the same as the other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet questlines and can be approached in any order.

However, as with gyms and Titan Pokemon, some Team Star bases are more challenging than others.

We recommend taking them on in this order:

  • Dark crew
  • Fire crew
  • Poison crew
  • Fairy crew
  • Fighting crew

Once you’ve defeated all five crews, you’ll be tasked with taking on the Big Boss of Team Star, after which the questline will conclude.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet post-game missions

Once you’ve completed the above missions and defeated the Pokemon Elite Four, there are some post-game missions that you can take on.

Gym rematches

Once you’ve completed the Pokemon Elite Four you’ll be given the chance to rematch the gym leaders, now with stronger Pokemon. After doing this you’ll then be invited to Academy Ace Tournament.

Academy Ace Tournament

The Academy Ace tournament is a series of battles against the students and teachers of the school, in some of the hardest battles in the game.

We have a full list of possible Academy Ace Tournament opponents and their Pokemon, so you can be prepared.

5-star, 6-star and 7-star raids

Once you’ve completed the above tasks, you’ll be asked to complete some 5-star raids. YOU MUST HOST THESE RAIDS in order to progress the quest that unlocks 6-star and 7-star raids. By the time you’ve done everything above, you should easily have Pokemon strong enough to take down 5-star raids.

After you’ve finished a few of these, you’ll get a call from Jacq. He’ll tell you about special raids that have appeared on the map. These raids are the 6-star and 7-star raids that you’re looking for.

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