MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

We rank every MultiVersus fighter in order of best to worst in our definitive tier list

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

MultiVersus tier list arguments are part and parcel of the game, with every player having their own opinion on the best characters.

We’ve been covering MultiVersus since the closed beta and have been intently studying the community’s reaction to each fighter as they’re strengthened and weakened with each update.

Our MultiVersus tier list, then, is our take on who the best and worst fighters are in the game. If you’re trying to figure out who your next main character should be, this tier list should help.

Latest Update

Morty has now been added to the game, and players are now getting to grips with him.

Because he’s a completely new character and players are still figuring out how certain moves fare alongside certain partners and against certain opponents, it’ll take a little while yet to determine where he fits in the game’s tier list.

We’ll update the list as soon as it becomes clearer whether Morty’s one of the stronger characters in the game, one of the weaker ones, or somewhere in between,

MultiVersus Guides

MultiVersus characters | MultiVersus tier listMultiVersus Guide | MultiVersus unlockables guide | Finn MultiVersus guide | Garnet MultiVersus guide | Iron Giant MultiVersus guide | LeBron James MultiVersus guide | Reindog MultiVersus guide | Superman MultiVersus guide| MultiVersus Gizmo guide

MultiVersus tier list

It’s important to note that MultiVersus is mainly a 2 vs 2 team-based fighting game, and as such the combination of characters used can be important.

Fighters who are weak in a 1 vs 1 situation may have support moves that make them extremely useful when helping out a partner in a team battle.

Because of this, bear in mind that even the fighters on the bottom of our MultiVersus tier list have their own strengths at times – nobody in this game is entirely useless.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters
VGC’s MultiVersus tier list, as of early August 2022

The game will be receiving regular updates, with developer Player First Games promising that players will be buffed and nerfed over time depending on community feedback.

As such, we’ll continue to update our tier list as new characters are added, and existing characters are strengthened and weakened with each new update.

As well as explanations for each character’s placement below, we’ve also provided links to our full character guides for each fighter so you can study them in more detail.

MultiVersus tier list – S tier fighters

Bugs Bunny

At the time of writing, Bugs Bunny is widely believed to be the best fighter in the game.

Most fighters in MultiVersus are best either up close or from a distance, but Bugs can be extremely powerful no matter where he is on the screen.

His rocket attack is slow but obscenely powerful, meaning anyone unlucky enough to be hit by it stands a good chance of being knocked flying.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Meanwhile, up close he’s armed with some powerful combos, and his ability to dive into the ground means he can not only escape attacks when things are getting a bit hairy, but also approach enemies safely if they’re being a nuisance to reach.

Bugs is said to be getting some nerfs in the near future, but until then he’s top of the pile.


As a Tank character Superman is capable of soaking up a hell of a lot of damage, but his To The Skies ability (which lets him dodge upwards and diagonally upwards) makes him very good at avoiding it too.

Given his ability to fly in the DC universe it should come as no surprise that Superman is best when he’s in the air, with moves like his Ten-Ten Tackle (side air special) giving him more speed and agility than you would typically expect from a Tank.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

He’s also armed with a healthy repertoire of chargeable standard attacks, allowing him to deliver more power than a Tank is usually capable of.

His only main downsides are that given that he’s quite a chunky chap he’s a fairly big target to hit, and he’s also a bit of a loner, with hardly any of his moves proving useful in a 2v2 situation.

If you’re fighting 1v1, then, Superman should be one of your top choices all day long.


When it comes to close quarters combat Finn is among the best in the game, due to the fact that he starts powerful and can make himself better as a fight progresses.

As an Assassin character, Finn is at his best when you’re close to enemies and annoying them, not giving them a chance to breathe. Every hit also makes them drop coins which can be used to improve Finn’s abilities.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

His Sweet Deals move (down special) lets him spend these coins on the likes of a speed boost or the ‘booty buff’, which gives him a projectile shield while he charges his attacks (most of which can be charged while on the move, which is extremely useful).

It’s his Backpack Attack (up special), however, which is currently the most devastating move in Finn’s arsenal, especially when it’s used in the air, because its multi-hit nature means your timing doesn’t need to be perfect in order to hit an opponent and lock them into the rest of the move’s combo.

With enough coins, the Backpack Attack also packs a hell of a punch, meaning it’s great for plucking opponents out of the sky for relatively easy KOs. Finn is also due a nerf soon, understandably.


As a Support fighter who’s staunchly anti-violence, Velma is one of the trickier characters to learn but can be extremely effective once you do.

Most of Velma’s best moves have cooldown periods, so the best strategy when using her is to make the most of her entire repertoire instead of focusing on a single technique.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Of all the Support characters in the game so far, Velma is easily the best because of the sheer number of ways she can help both herself and her partner.

Not only can she heal with her Motivational Speaker (neutral special) move, she can also add an armour buff with Fast Thinker (side ground special) and make cooldown periods shorter with Spread the Knowledge (down special).

The latter is particularly important if you’re fighting alongside someone with lengthy cooldowns, which is why many pro MultiVersus players believe Velma and Bugs is the current best partnership in the game.

MultiVersus tier list – A tier fighters

Tom & Jerry

The MultiVersus equivalent of the Ice Climbers in Smash Bros, Tom & Jerry are probably the hardest character(s) to learn in the game but can be extremely dangerous.

Their obvious strong point is the ability to fire Jerry across the stage with a slingshot. Then, when the pair have been separated, you can make Jerry fire champagne corks at enemies or bat a tennis ball back and forth between the two.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Combine this with the Look Out Below (down air special), in which Tom drops a stick of dynamite and, if timed well, can smack it across the screen, and you’ve got a duo who can fill the screen with extremely annoying projectiles.

As the finals of the recent Evo MultiVersus tournament showed, when Tom & Jerry are in the right hands they can be unbeatable, but they’re certainly not the easiest characters to control.


Batman was having some issues with his Bat Grapple move, with some players reporting that a bug was causing it to throw them off the screen.

This appears to have been fixed in a recent update, making Batman the high quality character he always had the potential to be.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Fittingly, it’s the Bat Grapple itself that makes him one of the more useful characters, given the way he can use it to quickly zoom across the screen and attack enemies.

The fact the Bat Grapple has no cooldown means with practice you can spam it a bit, making Batman a bit of an annoying character to fight against if he’s being controlled by someone who’s mastered him.

Combining his Bat-Bomb (neutral special) with his Batarang (neutral standard move) can also be a useful strategy, allowing you to hit opponents with explosive projectiles from a distance.

Steven Universe

Velma may be the best Support character in the game at the moment, but Steven is easier to get to grips with at first.

His Shield Wall is great for not only blocking projectiles but also giving his partner an armour boost (if they pass through it).

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

His ability to place a shield in the air as a second platform is also particularly useful for partners who are best in the air (like Superman).

With a well-placed shield, you can essentially reset your partner’s air jumps and dodges by giving them somewhere to briefly land.


Shaggy is one of the easier characters to learn in the game, given his ‘Bruiser’ character class and his focus on straightforward hand-to-hand moves.

His Chiller Instinct Kick (side special) may not be very glamorous, but it can be extremely effective if used properly, especially in the air.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Add to that his Power Uppercut – the game’s equivalent of a Street Fighter Dragon Punch – which can quite easily pluck enemies out of the air and send them off the top of the screen if their damage is high.

He’s not the most elaborate character in the game, but nor does he have any particularly glaring weaknesses, making him the best choice for beginners. He’s the Ryu of the game, essentially.

MultiVersus tier list – B tier fighters

Harley Quinn

When the MultiVersus closed alpha was live, Harley Quinn was one of the more dangerous characters available. She’s since been nerfed quite a bit since then, though.

As an Assassin character she’s extremely fast and can be tricky to hit, making her a real pest when up close.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

She’s best when it comes to vertical attacks, with her Batter Up and Jerk-In-The-Box moves doing a good job at flinging opponents upwards.

Ultimately, though, those nerfs have made some of her other moves less effective, making her a good fighter but not a great one.


On paper Jake is a solid Bruiser fighter with a good selection of standard attacks, most of which have a decent range.

Master some of his odder moves and he essentially becomes MultiVersus’ equivalent of Kirby, due to his ability to swallow enemies and his down special (in which he can transform into a heavy object and slam into the ground).

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

While he can be quite effective at locking down the map though (especially with his Stretchin’ Out move), Jake is also a fairly easy character to figure out.

A predictable Jake player can struggle against others once their techniques have been sussed out, and the fact he doesn’t have a lot of good ways to approach enemies means that once the few he has are nullified winning will be tricky.


Reindog is a good support character with some interesting special moves, such as its Power Crystal move which frequently fires lightning downwards onto the stage.

Some of its best support moves, however, require the co-operation of the other player. Flying Floof, for example, is completely useless until your partner knows to pick you up and throw you at an opponent.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Meanwhile, the Love Leash, which tethers you to your opponent and lets you pull them out of danger, only really comes into its own when your partner heads off the map for some mid-air combat, which would usually be risky if they weren’t tethered.

While Reindog isn’t a particularly bad character when everything works like it’s supposed to, then, a lot rides on whether your partner is in sync with you.

If you’re the type who plays with random partners online, this means you may have mixed results with Reindog.

Wonder Woman

Although she’s listed as a Tank in the game, Wonder Woman works quite well as a Support fighter too.

Her Lasso of Truth move is good at yanking partners out of tricky situations, while most of her other specials either provide shields or armour buffs for both her and her partner.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

Her main issue, however, is that she really isn’t very powerful, meaning she’s very limited when it comes to moves that send opponents flying. It’s just too difficult to finish opponents off with her.

That said, she’s due to get a bunch of buffs soon, so there’s a chance that he next time we update this list she’ll have moved up a tier.

MultiVersus tier list – C tier fighters

Arya Stark

On paper, the Game of Thrones protagonist should be one of the best characters in the game given that she’s actually a trained fighter.

In reality though, Arya suffers from that dreaded combination of not being particularly powerful and being the lightest character in the game, meaning it’s easier to smash her off the stage.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

If she’s partnered with someone who’s more effective at finishing off opponents, her moves are sneaky enough that, with a practice you’ll be able to chip away at an opponent to cause a bunch of damage, then leave them to your partner to deal with.

Ultimately, though, the amount of work that goes into mastering Arya isn’t really worth it at this stage given how easily her mistakes can be punished.

Iron Giant

Iron Giant is the game’s first ‘colossal-sized’ character, and that means all the strengths and weaknesses you’d expect with such a large sod.

He can soak up a lot of punishment and can deal a lot of damage, but he’s so much slower than every character in the game and the fact he takes up so much space means it’s so easy to hit him.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

His Rage mechanic, which gives him an entirely different moveset for a limited time once he builds a gauge up to a certain point, is an interesting gimmick but one that can take a long time to learn to use effectively in-game.

Still, he’s currently tagged in the game as ‘experimental’ for a reason, so fingers crossed that over time he’ll be tweaked enough to give him enough benefits to make up for his enormous frame.


The other fighter currently listed as ‘experimental’ on the character select screen, LeBron is a real story of highs and lows.

When he’s armed with a ball, he can be an extremely annoying character to fight against (in the best way) because the sheer variety of ways it can be thrown can prove frustrating for opponents (especially if your partner can distract them while you fling shots at them from a distance).

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

When he loses his ball, however, he needs to either wait for a very long cooldown to get it back, or hit an opponent with a melee attack – this is where things get problematic, because his standard attacks without a ball have awful range (even if they are surprisingly powerful).

Keep a ball in his hands and practice his various throws and LeBron could be a useful fighter, but for most players just dabbling with him, he’s going to be underwhelming.


Taz gained early notoriety as one of the most annoying characters in the game thanks to his annoying spin move, which was extremely hard for some players to avoid.

He’s since been quite heavily nerfed, however, meaning the spin is nowhere near as effective as it was.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

With his spin weakened, Taz is exposed as not having much else in his locker, with many of his moves having painfully small hitboxes, making it hard to seriously damage an opponent without getting right on top of them.

What’s more, the nerfs are apparently going to keep coming, with the spin getting a cooldown, meaning it doesn’t look like Taz is going to spin out of the C-tier any time soon.


As a Bruiser, Garnet can deal quite a lot of damage if she’s given time to do so.

That’s the problem, however – most of her moves take an absolute age to pull off, and if you miss a standard attack her recovery time is extremely slow.

MultiVersus Season 1 tier list – August 2022 best characters

It’s not all bad news – she’s one of the heavier characters in the game, making it hard to knock her off the stage, and she’s got a nice range of move types.

It’s just that most opponents will be able to tag her with hits while she’s winding up to attack, making playing as Garnet a somewhat frustrating experience at times.

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