How to get Haki in Legacy Piece
Unlocking Haki in Legacy Piece is near-essential

Not sure how to get Haki in Legacy Piece? Just follow along with this short and sweet step-by-step primer to get a powerful ability that’ll see you through some sticky situations.
Grabbing a Haki in Legacy Piece is one of the best things you can do. Unlike other One Piece-inspired Roblox games, you’ll have to put effort in to unlock this near-essential boon.
How to get Haki in Legacy Piece

As per the Legacy Piece Trello, you can obtain Haki by heading all the way south to Haki Island via boat. The recommended level for this is around 45. Train up good before making the journey.
Once on Haki Island, you want to look for a Ex-Shogun Daichi. He’s dark-skinned with jet-black hair, light, loose clothing, shades, and a distinctive black flame tattoo on his folded arms.
Agree to pay him 2.5k Beli and he’ll give you a short quest. Complete the objectives to get yourself the Legacy Piece Haki.
For more on this Roblox adventure game, check out the latest Legacy Piece codes. There’s a good chance they’ll award the Beli you might be missing to complete this little sidequest. And if you’re just getting started, the Legacy Piece tier list is essential.