How to enter Battahl in Dragon’s Dragon 2
There’s the legal way, the illegal way, and the more illegal way

Not sure how to enter Battahl in Dragon’s Dogma 2? If you’ve come across the heavily guarded gates of the Beastren’s counterpart to Vernmund a little out of sequence, you might struggle to make it through unscathed and without incident. Let’s take a step back and assess the situation before you go causing a national incident.
With the open world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 free to explore almost immediately, it isn’t uncommon to come across an area you might not yet be able to access: at least without causing a commotion. If you have other sneak missions to clear, here’s how to get to Sven’s Chambers, the Rose Chateua Bordelrie, and how to get the fancy clothes for the Masquerade as well.
How to enter Battahl in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Approaching the gates of Battahl without the proper arrangements will result in the guards politely asking for proof before aggressively shooing you away when you fail to produce it.
That’s because there’s a right way to enter Battahl. Sort of. Stick to the main quests in Vernworth instead of galavanting off on your own and you’ll eventually be given proper reason to approach the game’s second major locale — a Beastren Border Entry Permit.
There’s the kicker, though: you’ll need to look like a Beastren to use it. That’s all well and good if you chose to play a Beastren at the start of the game, in which case you’ll be welcomed into Battahl with open arms after presenting the Beastren Border Entry Permit to the guard at the gates south of the border checkpoint town.
If you chose a human instead, you’ll have to get creative if you’re to enter Battahl. Thankfully, there are two ways to do it.
How to enter Battahl as a human

To get into Battahl a semi-legitimate way as a human, you’ll need both the Beastren Border Entry Permit and a disguise — a Beastren Mask.
Beastren Mask location
Yes, just like with the Masquerade Mask, you can trick the guards of Battahl with a Beastren Mask. You might have overheard guards and commoners talking about these out and around, and now it’s time to find one.
You’ll find a Beastren Mask at Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in the Checkpoint Town west of Vernworth, which is conveniently right by the Battahl gates. Although he usually deals in knockoffs and stolen goods, the Beasten Mask is convincing enough to help you slip through, with the permit, undetected.
Some passersby in the area around Battahl will let slip that it’s possible to slide into the city by hiding in an Oxcart. Having the Beastren Mask equipped can smooth things over if you’re caught in the act.
Play it cool enough, you’ll be able to sneak into the city by hitching a ride in an Oxcart without going through the trouble of getting the Beastren Border Entry Permit.
For those long gameplay sessions, consider keeping our Dragon’s Dogma 2 guides hub on hand. There are many obtuse, obscure, and sometimes missable quests and systems you won’t want to miss. Keep it close and it can help answer some likely questions.