Apex Legends is a battle royale FPS set in the Titanfall universe, developed by Respawn Entertainment.
Apex Legends News
EA cancels unpopular Apex Legends battle pass change following outcry
It will no longer be removing the ability to obtain premium battle passes with Apex Coins
Apex Legends players criticise plans to shake-up how Battle Passes works
There will be two $10 Battle Passes per season, and they’ll only be purchasable with real money
All Apex Legends players offered free Apex Packs following account issues
Players have to log in before April 24 to receive the compensation
Respawn apologises for Apex Legends account reset and lost progress issues
Update: Free Apex Packs are being offered to all players to compensate for issues with the game
Respawn confirms Apex Legends esports pros were hacked mid-game, says it’s working on the issue
It's releasing a series of updates it says will "protect the player community"
Apex Legends studio Respawn hit with layoffs as part of wider EA cuts
The job losses follow the recent cancellation of a Star Wars FPS
EA says Apex Legends will ‘expand beyond the traditional battle royale universe’ this year
CEO Andrew Wilson sees “incredible growth” potential for the five-year-old franchise
The new game from Titanfall’s director is reportedly set in the same universe
It’s claimed the project, which isn’t Titanfall 3, is still in the prototyping phase
Interview: Respawn on the next five years of Apex Legends
The latest update to Respawn's battle royale giant looks to welcome back lapsed players, and reinvigorate the hardcores.
Apex Legends: Breakout adds mid-match levelling, scraps armour pickups
A collection event celebrating the game's fifth anniversary has also been confirmed