To qualify for Comments of the Week, a comment doesn’t have to necessarily be amusing (though it certainly helps its chances). It can be a good point, an interesting observation or, on occasion, something so ridiculous it has to be called out.
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“Wow, $130 million dollars. This is so cool dude, it’ll end up being just like Playstation Home but there’ll be some Naruto avatar guy following everyone around and asking if they want to be his girlfriend.”
We know you’re trying to make fun of it, dingodile, but now we’re sold.
“I understand the concern, to an extent. Gamepass is a closed system that holds content decided by MS. Getting on there might be difficult for a small operation.
“I love indie games but, just as with their bigger cousins, there’s a lot of dross out there sitting with the diamonds. The problem highlighted is that MS are going to (potentially) be the arbiters of what is and isn’t a good game.
“However, there are other platforms and, if a game is good, word of mouth and buzz will get it attention it irrespective of publisher/competition from AAA games.”
It’s a fair point, Caffeine Rage, but it’s going to be harder to sell a new indie game (literally) to players when they’ve already got a full library of stuff at no extra cost.
This is a huge waste of money, BUT, it could be fully funded if they just put the Katamari soundtrack on streaming services @BandaiNamcoUS hear me out